Calgary Photo Booth - The most hilarious photo booth pictures
Flash Co's Calgary Photo Booth Hall of Fame
Every so often, we like to go through our archive of photo booth pictures and give a little shout out to people who just straight up rocked it. We service around 100 events every year so we see lots of awesome photo booth-ers. Every so often, guests will hit a new record for fitting lots of people in the photo booth or we'll see a creative use of our props. Nothing gives us more joy than making sure wedding or event guests have a great experience. Below are are the top winners in a few different categories. Drum roll please ....
Best Girl Squad
The first category is a good one. There's nothing like hanging out with your best girlfriends and having a good time. Especially at a wedding or an event like a Christmas party.Everyone is dressed up and looking fine. There's no better time to hop in the photo booth in our opinion. These three groups of photo booth-ers really rocked it with their girl squad.
Best Group of Groomsmen
There's nothing better than a group of well dressed men. Am I right? A sharp suit, and tie never looks bad on a guy. It's even better when we can capture all the handsome in one photo booth picture. That's why we love weddings so much! Guys don't usually love having their photo taken. It's just a fact of life. But, get a group of guys in a photo booth and now we're talking. This is a great opportunity of a groom to hop in a photo booth and get a photo with his closest friends.
Cutest Couple
It's always great to see couples jump into the photo booth for a quick portrait. You can jump in the booth, grab your print and put it on your fridge when you get home to remember how much fun you had. It's a great way to document the events you've been to. Like a play by play of the summer of weddings you attended. Plus, it's always a sweet reminder of how loved you are. Here's our top three cutest couples we've had the booth so far this year.
Best Bride and Groom Portrait
Ok, ok. This is by far the coolest category. We love bringing our photo booth to weddings. Not only do we know that a bride and groom are getting great quality photos, we know their guests are going to have a great experience in the photo booth. A photo booth is always the best part of any wedding reception. When brides and grooms hop in the booth for a quick photo it's always the best. Professional photos from their wedding day are always beautiful but wedding photo booth pictures are the best way to remember the party you had. It's a great reminder of how your wedding day was the best party of your life.
The Creative Kiddos
Wedding photo booths are the best for keeping kids entertained! It's like a built in babysitter at your event. This is so awesome for parents who just want a to enjoy the wedding reception and not have to worry about keeping their kids happy. Parents can relax knowing their kids are having the time of their lives in the photo booth. And trust us, kids have the BEST time in a photo booth. They get to be creative, laugh, have fun and forget that it's past their bed time.
Best Photo Booth Bloopers
Ok, so we save this one for last. No matter how creative, prepared or well dressed guests are at a wedding, nothing beats the spontaneity of a photo booth. We've had some pretty awesome bloopers, which quite honestly, end up being way better than the premeditated photos. Most of the bloopers are PG rated, but we've had some pretty X rated photos take place as well. We'll leave those for our archives, but here are some of our best PG rated photo booth bloopers.That's it, that's all folks! Thanks for stopping by our Hall of Fame post. From the cutest couples to some pretty awesome bloopers, there is no shortage of good times in a Flash Co.'s calgary photo booth rental. Be sure to tune in next time ...